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Proficient Reading: 23%

Distinguished Reading: 8%

Proficient Math: 18%

Distinguished Math: 3%


Mission & Philosophy

Lost River Elementary is Growing Leaders.

By the Numbers


Years as a Leader in Me Lighthouse School 


Nationalities are Represented by the Student Body 

Students dressed as historical figures posing for a photo.


Students to Computers


Of our classrooms are Connected with Class Dojo


Two of our Teachers is a WCPS EdTech Ambassador


Outdoor Clubs and Afterschool Programs


Beta Service Hours, Making us the State Leaders


State Champion in the KAAC Future Problem Solvers Individual State Competition

Principal's Message

We can’t believe the first semester of school is almost complete. Our students have taken their second round of iReady testing and Amira screeners and they are showing tremendous growth. The teachers and students have worked so hard, focused on academics and behavior and are really making gains. 

We have had so many successful events so far this year and we are looking forward to continuing that Lost River tradition throughout the new year. Thanks to everyone who joined and helped with student led conferences, wellness night, musical showcase, fall festival, Veterans Day, cookies with santa, reindeer lane, and our Thanksgiving lunch. We have had a busy semester, but have enjoyed the positive interactions with our community. 

We are proud of our school and its accomplishments as we prioritize safety, achievement and student learning opportunities each and every day!

We are the Lost River Lions…Hear Us ROAR!

News & Announcements